Tell Facebook to End Its Censorship Double Standards

On September 13, 2021, Jeff Horwitz of the Wall Street Journal broke news of mas… ...

Tell the ACLU: Stand by Your Mission — or Be Honest and Change It

The ACLU needs to decide if they stand for the freedoms of all, or if they're just another cog in the progressive machine. ...

Tell Facebook and Twitter: Make a Clear List of What Speech Is Off Limits

Facebook and Twitter's seemingly arbitrary censorship needs to stop! The simplest solution? Tell people exactly what they cannot say. ...

Tell Brandeis University to End Its Absurd Oppressive Language List

"Trigger Warning," "Tribe," and "Person of Color," are all oppressive terms according to a new list from Brandeis University. ...

Tell Lawmakers to Rescind CAIR Support after NPR Reveals Culture of Harassment and Misogyny

NPR exposed widespread misogyny and cover-ups of gross harassment at CAIR. Sign the petition demanding that lawmakers who previously praised CAIR take action! ...

Tell Amazon: Stop Selective “Woke” Book Censorship

Sign the petition telling Amazon to stop the hypocritical censorship and restore "When Harry Became Sally" to its virtual shelves. ...

Tell the ACLU to Set the Record Straight on False Accusations that Ruined Lives at Smith College

The ACLU pushed a false racism claim and has yet to retract it even though it ruined innocents lives. Call on them to make it right! ...

Stand Up for an Employee Fired for Using Parler and Gab

The Jennifer De Chiara Literary Agency fired Colleen Oefelein just for having accounts on the social media sites Parler and Gab. ...

Tell Twitter to Stop the Hypocritical Censorship

It's inexcusable for Twitter to ban President Trump while allowing vile tweets from Chinese and Iranian accounts. ...