Tell the ACLU to Set the Record Straight on False Accusations that Ruined Lives at Smith College

The ACLU pushed a false racism claim and has yet to retract it even though it ruined innocents lives. Call on them to make it right! ...

Stand Up for an Employee Fired for Using Parler and Gab

The Jennifer De Chiara Literary Agency fired Colleen Oefelein just for having accounts on the social media sites Parler and Gab. ...

Tell Twitter to Stop the Hypocritical Censorship

It's inexcusable for Twitter to ban President Trump while allowing vile tweets from Chinese and Iranian accounts. ...

Demand ADL Hold Al Sharpton Accountable for His Anti-Semitic Actions

Sharpton has never apologized for his gross anti-Semitism. The ADL should be demanding an apology, not partnering with him for seemingly political reasons. ...

Call Out The New York Times’ Op-ed Hypocrisy 

Why is the New York Times applying far more stringent standards to a piece by a Republican U.S. Senator than to one by a Chinese propagandist? ...

Tell the NBA to Stop Its Hypocrisy on Racism

Call on the NBA to condemn Montrezl Harrell's racist remark toward Luka Doncic. ...

Tell Tulane Student Leaders to Stop Trying to Cancel an Anti-Racist Speaker

Sign the petition calling on Tulane student leaders to stop trying to cancel a celebrated anti-racism speaker over his race and ancestry. ...

Demand that the Marines Reinstate A Speaker Cut Because of His Religious Affiliation

The USMC cut a veteran from their speaker line-up because of his religious affiliation. Sign the petition calling on the Marine Corps to stop this religious discrimination! ...

Demand Donors Denounce Anti-Semitism from Believers Bail Out

Believers Bail Out's choice to exclude Jews from a protest that claims to be anti-racist is the height of bigotry and hypocrisy. ...