Daughters of the American Revolution Must End Female Erasure
Daughters of the American Revolution (DAR) can no longer be considered a “women’s group.”
In this latest instance of female erasure, anyone who can show ancestry linked to the American Revolution and self-identifies as a woman is eligible for admission to the historic and venerable institution with an amended birth certificate.
This action was taken under the pretense of preserving the group’s nonprofit status from discrimination lawsuits, but as a private membership organization DAR is already protected from such punitive actions.
The surreptitious bylaws change occurred at the most recent DAR “Continental Congress” national meeting in 2023, and the backlash from DAR members across the country has continued ever since. Hundreds of DAR members have resigned and even more have let their memberships drop. Efforts to amend the bylaws to preserve DAR as a women’s organization at the upcoming Continental Congress were rejected by DAR board members. Unless DAR reverses course, members will be forced to share changing rooms, restrooms, and hotel rooms with biological males.
Most members have had no say in this policy…until now.
Use the form at right to tell Daughters of the American Revolution President General Pamela Edwards Rouse Wright and DAR senior leadership to end this calamitous policy!
Then, please forward this message to fellow DAR members and former members encouraging them to do the same. This is the only means we have to register our opposition directly with DAR national leadership — let’s make our voices heard!