Personal beliefs and opinions are human rights, and in America, people have the additional protection of the First Amendment of the Constitution. NTC takes this very seriously and does not condone shutting legal speech down.
Tolerance is a tool for greater freedom and enlightenment and should be encouraged, not fought. When practiced in an unbiased fashion, tolerance is fundamental to developing healthy individuals and societies. However, when it is used as a weapon for attacking others or winning arguments, it artificially limits society’s advancement and prosperity.
The veracity of an argument is based on the argument, not the individual making it. Arguments should be engaged on their merits, not those of the person making it.
Having respect for people, groups and institutions necessitates holding them accountable when they are in error. NTC does not target people or groups out of animus or based on the side of the political spectrum they fall. Instead, we seek to hold them accountable by pointing out where they support intolerance and urging a better way forward.