Southern Poverty Law Center

Founded as a resource to identify legitimate hate and extremist groups like the Ku Klux Klan and neo-Nazis, the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) has bastardized its mission to advance leftist causes and demonize those with whom they disagree.  The SPLC’s infamous “hate” and “extremist” lists now include pro-life, pro-family organizations, groups advocating parental rights in education, and at one point even included Dr. Ben Carson, a renowned brain surgeon who went on to become the United States Secretary of Housing and Urban Development. SPLC’s “Hate Map” has inspired real world incidents of violence such as the 2012 attack by LGBTQ activist Floyd Lee Corkins on the Family Research Council. When asked what motivated his act of violence, Corkins  directly credited the SPLC. In an interrogation video he is quoted as saying,Southern Poverty Law lists anti-gay groups. I found them online, did a little research, went to the website, stuff like that.”

National Headquarters in Montgomery, AL with additional offices in New Orleans, LA; Atlanta, GA; Jackson, MS; Tallahassee, FL; Miami, FL; and Washington, DC.

  • Location: Montgomery, Alabama
  • Hate Category: Rogue Non-Profits and Individuals

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